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Okay, let’s be real for a minute: we’re not exactly known for our green thumbs over here at our home. In fact, our patience is about as long as the lifespan of that one indoor plant we keep forgetting to water. So, last year’s garden? Let’s just say it was more of a learning experience than a harvest celebration. 🌱😅 But hey, this year is going to be different! We’re gearing up for a veggie garden that will thrive, and we want YOU to join us in the fun, even if your thumbs aren’t as green as you'd like them to be.

So, let’s dive in! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a total newbie (like us!), here’s how you can start prepping for spring gardening—and this time, let’s make it a success!

1. Start Your Seeds Indoors

Starting seeds indoors is a great way to get a head start on the growing season—especially here in Indy, where frost can still linger through March. Plus, watching your seeds sprout can be so rewarding!

What to plant now in Indianapolis:

Some vegetables thrive when started indoors 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost (which in Indy is typically around mid-April). Here are some of the best options for early spring planting:

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Winter in Indy can feel like it’s all gray skies and white snow, but who says cold weather fun has to be dull? This season, let’s get creative with colorful activities that will brighten up your little ones’ winter days! From crafting vibrant snow sculptures to making sparkly ice ornaments, here are five exciting ideas that will add a pop of color to your family’s winter adventures.

1. Snow Volcanoes: A Blast of Color in the Snow

Who says snow has to be plain and white? Turn your yard into a winter wonderland with snow volcanoes. All you need is some baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring. Start by piling snow into a mound shape, and create a little hole in the center. Then, mix baking soda and a few drops of food coloring in the hole. When you pour vinegar over it, you’ll get a colorful eruption of fizzy fun! The bright colors against the white snow are sure to make everyone smile.

2. Pressed Flower Tree Ice Ornaments: Nature Meets Art

Want to give a nod to the beauty of nature while adding some vibrant hues to your winter landscape? Pressed flower tree ice ornaments are a perfect craft. Gather flowers, leaves, and even pine needles, then arrange them in a shallow dish filled with water. Let the kids carefully place the plants into the water, and once they’re happy with the design, place the dish in the freezer overnight. The result? Gorgeous, natural ice ornaments that can be hung from tree branches to sparkle in the winter sun.

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Teaching our children the importance of kindness and empathy isn’t just about raising responsible individuals; it’s about fostering a compassionate community. Helping others isn’t just an act—it’s a mindset, a way of seeing the world that encourages connection and understanding. But where do we start? As moms, it’s often difficult to find the right opportunities that are not only impactful but also age-appropriate for our little ones.

That’s where Seeds of Caring Indy comes in! We’ve been so fortunate to partner with this incredible organization to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities that are fun, engaging, and easy for children of all ages to participate in. Here are a few ways you can get involved with your little ones:

1. Stocking Local Food Pantries: A favorite project we’ve worked on is creating cocoa kits, chili kits, and snack packs for those in need. This is a fantastic hands-on way for kids to get involved, especially when it comes to sorting, packing, and labeling these kits. It’s a simple yet impactful way to teach them about food insecurity while also giving them the opportunity to make a difference.

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Celebrate Fall with Leaf Crowns and Nature Wands! Fall is here, and it's the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of nature with your little ones! Gathering leaves in brilliant colors and using them in fun, creative activities is a great way to connect with the season. Two of our favorite activities are making leaf crowns and nature wands. These crafts are simple, mess-free, and will spark the imagination of your kiddos! Here’s how you can create your own fall magic:

Leaf Crowns. Your kiddos will love feeling like royalty with these beautiful, nature-inspired crowns!


- Freshly fallen leaves in different shapes, sizes, and colors

- Construction paper or cardstock

- Glue or double-sided tape

- Scissors

- Optional: Stickers, glitter, or small flowers for extra decoration


1. Measure the Crown Base: Start by measuring your child's head with a strip of construction paper. Cut the strip to size and secure the ends together with glue or tape to form a band.

2. Prepare the Leaves: Gather a variety of fall leaves. Make sure they are fresh and not too brittle so they won't break easily.

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As a busy mom, it's easy to feel like there’s no time to make big changes in our everyday routines, but I’ve found that small, intentional swaps can make a huge difference for both my home and my self-care. Over the past year, I’ve made a handful of changes that have helped me reduce toxins, live more sustainably, and feel good about the products I use around my family. Here are 10 swaps that I’ve incorporated into my home and routine that have been total game changers:

1. Switch from Foil to Parchment Paper When Cooking

Aluminum foil is convenient, but it’s not the healthiest option when used for cooking. I’ve swapped it out for parchment paper, which is safer, non-toxic, and just as easy to use. It’s my go-to for lining baking sheets and wrapping up veggies for roasting.

2. Ditch the Candles and Plug-Ins for Nontoxic Alternatives.

Traditional candles and wall plug-ins often contain harmful chemicals that you’re breathing in, so I made the switch to safer options. Buff City Soap sells amazing nontoxic candles, and if you’re feeling crafty, Unplug Soy Candles in Fishers lets you make your own. I also love using essential oil diffusers for a natural way to keep the house smelling fresh.

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Here is a list of our personal favorite “Ber” activities in North Indy during September, October, November and December.

  • Jupitar Flights at Conner Prairie – on sale now
  • Zionsville Fall Festival - 9/7
  • City of Carmel Chinese Mooncake Festival - 9/21
  • Conner Prairie Headless Horsman and Haunted Corn Maze – (better for older kids) Tickets go on sale 9/6
  • Apple Picking at Tuttle Orchards - Starts 8/30
  • Harvest Nights at Newfields – on sale now
  • Fall Festival at Urban Vines - 10/5 & 6
  • Dull’s Tree Farm to pick pumpkins – opens 9/21
  • Drive to Nashville IN to see the fall foliage, ride ponies and grab a bite to eat.
  • Zoo Boo - starts 9/27
  • Indianapolis Cars & Coffee - 10/26
  • Sullivan's Train Ride to Pumpkin Town – on sale 8/30
  • Boo N Brew at Clay Terrace
  • Nickel Plate Express Rail Bikes
  • Winter Lights at Newfields
  • Dulls Christmas Tree Farm – get your tree early!
  • Drive thru fairgrounds lights
  • Ride the Holliday Trolley in Carmel
  • Christkindlmarkt – get your ice skating tickets in advance, They sell out! Opens 11/23
  • Reindeer Express Nickle Plate
  • Sullivan's Train to Santa’s Workshop – on sale 11/1
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We are thankful for the rain to bring us a clean slate outside for more sidewalk chalk art masterpieces. But besides movies and popcorn, living room picnics, fort creations and puddle jumping in the warm summer rain...what else can us moms pull out of our hats? Here are a few more easy ideas for your next rainy day.

Make Dirt & Worms:


· 1 cool whip container

· 20 Oreos

· 1 chocolate pudding packet

· 2 cups of milk

· 20 gummy worms

· Clear cups


· Mix the pudding with the milk and then fold in the cool whip.

· Crush the Oreos in a large zip lock bag

· Layer the pudding and cookie mix in 8 cups

· Top with 3 gummy worms

· Refrigerate a couple hours before taking out for a yummy snack

Make a rain boat for the sidewalk gutter


· Pool noodle

· Hot glue

· Sticks

· Feather

· Gems/stickers/ect


· Cut off a piece of the noodle – this is the boat

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The build up to Christmas is HUGE! I mean we start to see the décor and advertisements every year before Halloween even hits. And to be honest, most of us love it! We love the anticipation, festivities, traditions and gatherings with our loved ones. Yes, it’s stressful and yes it’s a lot of work. But, we love it! Then after days and days of thinking about it. BOOM. It’s over! You start to dread winter and that long wait for warmer days.

But I have some thoughts, ideas and advice for you this year. First it starts with a mindset shift. There are so many great days ahead of you and winter can be a great time to make amazing memories. What I love about the Midwest is we get all four seasons. The fact is, change is inevitable and that is a hard pill to swallow for the majority of people. I love a good nature analogy, so here is one for you. Trees don’t fear change. They embrace each season and accept it for what it is. I love the quote “Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all” by Stanley Horowitz. We need all four seasons.

Ok now, let’s get you some tangible ideas. This year, challenge yourself to embrace Valentines’ Day. I know it’s a cheesy holiday that you probably have a few icky memories of. My Mother’s memorial was on Valentine’s day! So if I can make lemonade out of lemons so can you! Let’s start with packing up all the Christmas decorations. Rip the band aid off! Put it away but keep those holiday cards. Cut them into heart shapes. Voila! Now you have 2 more months to keep those beautiful faces out on display in your home. Next start planning!! What can you surprise your kids with? We love those chocolate molds that you whack and inside is filled with candy. It might as well be Christmas morning again for my kids. What are you going to do for dinner? Taco Bell by candlelight? Do it! Maybe you want a hotel room alone? Or a Galantine’s day party with your best gals. Maybe an underwear exchange with your sisters? Whatever you choose start planning and decorate!

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Looking for a non-toxic gift this year to give your kids teachers, neighbors, coaches? Check out this super simple, affordable and deliciously fragrant gift you can make with the help of your little ones.

Supplies include:

· Mason Jars

· Dried oranges

· Dried apples

· Dried cranberries

· Cinnamon sticks

· Cloves

· All Spice

· Dried Thyme

· Dried Rosemary

· Fabric and ribbon the make it look pretty and add a final touch.

Place all the ingredients out in front of your kids so they can touch and smell all the things. I suggest making a pot yourself with a variety of ingredient to decide how you like the smell. We ended up with this mix:

· 2 cinnamon sticks

· 2 dried oranges

· 4-6 dried apples

· A dash of cloves

· A pinch of all spice

· A pink of thyme and rosemary

Cover with water and bring to a simmer. The lower the water gets the more fragrant the potpourri becomes. Keep topping it off with water and keep it out all week!

Spice Paint

This was a total experiment so we have zero measurements and I encourage you to experiment with your kids too! All you need is spices, water and Elmers glue. We used:

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This is such a soft dough! Plus it smells good. Save this recipe for those days when you need to be the “fun” mom and bust out something creative on a rainy day. Add all the dry ingredients together, then add the liquids. Get your hands in there and mix it up!! Add in more flour as needed. If you are an extra fun mom (I’m not haha) you can even add glitter or food coloring.

Grab some cookie cutters and get playing!

2 cups flour

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1/2 cup salt

2 tablespoons cream of tartar (optional)

3/4- 1.5 cup hot water, add as needed

1 Tbs of Vanilla

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It’s true how you never fully appreciate your parents until you become one yourself. That is when you see how big their love for you really is and you begin to grasp how much they have done for you. If you have been blessed with amazing parents, they were probably the first ones by your side as you began your own journey into motherhood. You probably call your mom and ask her “is this normal?”, “was I like this as a kid?”, “do you remember when…?”, “should I call the doctor?”. Hopefully they take your kids, so you get a break or help you when you are sick. And most importantly I hope they get to know your kids, spoil them and become the best grandparents. For those of us living life without our parents, this is something we would give anything for.

My mom and I were close. She is the reason I had confidence soaring through the roof growing up and to this day. She was funny. She was strong. She could talk to and make friends with anyone. She was mine and my sister’s biggest cheerleader. She taught us to be kind, brave and understanding. She lost her battle to breast cancer in 2013. I became pregnant with my first son that summer and there is SO much I wish I would have asked her. But there were things I never thought to bring up. When you become a mom, your world changes. You gain an entirely new perspective on life. You think of yourself as a kid and how you were raised, but you also think of your mom too. How did she get through this hard stuff? She made it look easy.
